Be Water

Be water.

Flow around the challenge in your path.

Wear a trail for others to follow,

Or take the path of least resistance.

Be water.

Rise above everything sometimes.

See the world from a higher perspective.

Rain down and bring life,

Or wash things clean to start again.

Be water.

Persist, despite everything.

Wear the mountain down into sand

With gentle, lapping waves.

Be water.

Be still sometimes.


Become deep.

Be water.

If you enjoyed this poem, you may like the poetry in Strange Worlds – Surreal Stories and Tainted Tales. Inspired to write your own poetry? You’ll be needing a pretty notebook, with prompts designed to inspire you.

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They Tried To Bury Us

It started underground
In the dark
A fluttering of awareness
A pulsing heartbeat
A distant drum of war.

It started underground
Waiting out the cold
Gathering its resources
Biding its time
Waiting for its moment.

It started underground
Until conditions were ripe,
Then everything exploded;
The rush for the light
Breaking into the sun
Claiming its ground.

It started in the dark
Now it stands tall,
Unfurls its glorious petals,
A red banner 
In the grey.

Written by Victoria Pearson. Performed by Laurence Bourne